Sunday, August 31, 2008

Publications of CNS articles in media globally (Day-wise)

18 October 2008
Not only the rich are at risk of diabetes
The Zimbabwe Guardian, Harare, Zimbabwe
Not only the rich are at risk of diabetes
Asian Tribune, Bangkok, Thailand
Not only the rich are at risk of diabetes
Thai Indian News, Bangkok, Thailand
Not only the rich are at risk of diabetes
Pakistan News, Islamabad, Pakistan
Not only the rich are at risk of diabetes
Guatemala Times, Guatemala
Not only the rich are at risk of diabetes
Ghana News, Accra, Ghana
Not only the rich are at risk of diabetes
Kerala News online, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
Not only the rich are at risk of diabetes
Assam Times, Guwahati, Assam
Not only the rich are at risk of diabetes
Just Samachar
Not only the rich are at risk of diabetes
Not only the rich are at risk of diabetes
Media for Freedom, Kathmandu, Nepal
Not only the rich are at risk of diabetes
Citizen News Service (CNS)
Not only the rich are at risk of diabetes
Bihar Times, Patna, Bihar
17 October 2008
The Wrath of God
Bikaner Express, Bikaner, Rajasthan
India should strengthen PDS to reduce food scarcity
The Seoul Times, Seoul, South Korea
India should strengthen PDS to reduce food scarcity
Bikaner Express, Bikaner, Rajasthan
India should strengthen PDS to reduce food scarcity
Northern News Line, Chandigarh
India should strengthen PDS to reduce food scarcity
News Now, UK
India should strengthen PDS to reduce food scarcity
Op-Ed News, UK
India should strengthen PDS to reduce food scarcity
Howrah News Service, West Bengal
16 October 2008 - World Food day
India needs to revamp public distribution system
News Track India, Delhi
India should strengthen its public distribution system to reduce food scarcity
Mangalorean Times, Mangalore, Karnataka
India should strengthen its public distribution system to reduce food scarcity
Bihar and Jharkhand News Service
India should strengthen its public distribution system to reduce food scarcity
Assam Times, Guwahati, Assam, India
India should strengthen its public distribution system to reduce food scarcity
Media for freedom, Nepal
India should strengthen its public distribution system to reduce food scarcity
Thai Indian News, Bangkok, Thailand
India should strengthen its public distribution system to reduce food scarcity
Two Circles
India should strengthen its public distribution system to reduce food scarcity
Ghana News, Accra, Ghana
India should strengthen its public distribution system to reduce food scarcity
Darjeeling Times, Darjeeling, West Bengal
India should strengthen its public distribution system to reduce food scarcity
My News, Delhi
India should strengthen its public distribution system to reduce food scarcity
News Blaze, USA
India should strengthen its public distribution system to reduce food scarcity
Bangladesh News, Dhaka, Bangladesh
15 October 2008
Grim outlook for World Food
Asia Sentinel
Grim outlook for World Food
Tionghoanet, Indonesia
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
The Zimbabwe Guardian, Harare, Zimbabwe
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
Blog-Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
Boiling Spot, Indonesia
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
The Morung Express, Kohima, Nagaland
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
Northern News Line, Chandigarh, India
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
Standard Times, Sierra Leone
14 October 2008
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
Mangalorean Times, Mangalore, Karnataka
The Wrath of God
Central Chronicle, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh, India
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
Climate Ark
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
News Blaze, USA
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
Two Circles
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
Asian Tribune, Bangkok, Thailand
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
Op-Ed News
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
News from Bangladesh
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
My News, Delhi, India
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
Truth Feeds
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
Bihar and Jharkhand News Service, India
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
Puntland Post, Somalia
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
Amigura, UK
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
Ghana News, Accra, Ghana
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
Climate Change and Global Warming News
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
Guatemala Times, Guatemala
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
Media for freedom, Kathmandu, Nepal

13 October 2008
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
Thai Indian News, Bangkok, Thailand
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
Assam Times, Guwahati, Assam, India
Let us worship peace and shun violence
Chiang Mai Mail, Chiang Mai, Thailand
The Wrath of God
Darjeeling Times, Darjeeling, West Bengal
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
Bihar Times, Patna, Bihar
12 October 2008
Let us worship peace and shun violence
Chiang Mai Mail, Chiang Mai, Thailand
The Wrath of God
Darjeeling Times, Darjeeling, West Bengal
11 October 2008
People with diabetes lose more than money
The Arusha Times, Tanzania
The Wrath of God
News Track India, Delhi
The Wrath of God
Kerala News, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
The Wrath of God
Khabar Express, Bikaner, Rajasthan
The Wrath of God
Banderas News, Mexico
The Wrath of God
Pakistan Christian Post, Karachi, Pakistan
The Wrath of God
The Bangladesh Today, Dhaka, Bangladesh
10 October 2008
People with diabetes lose more than money
The Seoul Times, Seoul, South Korea
The Wrath of God
News from Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh

People with diabetes lose more than money
Banderas News, Mexico
People with diabetes lose more than money
Standard Times, Sierra Leone
The Wrath of God
Assam Times, Guwahati, Assam, India
The Wrath of God
Ghana News, Accra, Ghana
People with diabetes lose more than money
Meri News, Delhi, India
The Wrath of God
Bihar and Jharkhand News Service (BJNS)
9 October 2008
Need to refrain from communal politics in India
The Kashmir Times, Jammu & Kashmir
People with diabetes lose more than money
Bihar and Jharkhand News Service
People with diabetes lose more than money
People with diabetes lose more than money
The Med Guru
People with diabetes lose more than money
Global Oneness
People with diabetes lose more than money
Health 2.0 News
People with diabetes lose more than money
Howrah News Service, West Bengal
People with diabetes lose more than money
Citizen News Service (CNS)
People with diabetes lose more than money
The Liberian Journal, Liberia
8 October 2008
Need to refrain from communal politics in India
The Seoul Times, Seoul, South Korea
Need to refrain from communal politics in India

American Chronicle, USA
Need to refrain from communal politics in India

California Chronicle, California, USA
People with diabetes lose more than money
Medical News, Australia
People with diabetes lose more than money
Asian Tribune, Bangkok, Thailand
People with diabetes lose more than money
OEN - OpEd News
People with diabetes lose more than money
News Blaze, USA
People with diabetes lose more than money
Thai Indian News, Bangkok, Thailand
People with diabetes lose more than money
News Track India, Delhi
People with diabetes lose more than money
Two Circles
People with diabetes lose more than money
My News, Delhi
People with diabetes lose more than money
Assam Times, Guwahati, Assam
People with diabetes lose more than money
People with diabetes lose more than money
Diabetes Supply
People with diabetes lose more than money
Media for freedom, Kathmandu, Nepal
7 October 2008
Cancer treatment by linear accelerator is a reality now
Mahanagar Times, Jaipur, Rajasthan
Cancer treatment by linear accelerator is a reality now
Mangalorean Times, Mangalore, Karnataka
Need to refrain from communal politics in India
Howrah News Service (HNS), West Bengal
Need to refrain from communal politics in India
The Bangladesh Today, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Need to refrain from communal politics in India
Meri News, Delhi
Need to refrain from communal politics in India
Kerala News, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
Need to refrain from communal politics in India
Two Circles
Need to refrain from communal politics in India
Mahanagar Times, Jaipur, Rajasthan
6 October 2008
India embraces smoke-free policies on Gandhi Jayanti
Mangalorean Times, Mangalore, Karnataka
Need to refrain from communal politics in India
The Seoul Times, Seoul, South Korea
Need to refrain from communal politics in India
News Track India, Delhi
Need to refrain from communal politics in India
News Blaze, USA
Need to refrain from communal politics in India
My News, Delhi

Need to refrain from communal politics in India
Bihar and Jharkhand News Service (BJNS)
Need to refrain from communal politics in India
Assam Times, Guwahati, Assam

Cancer treatment by linear accelerator is a reality now
Medical News
Cancer treatment by linear accelerator is a reality now
Ghana News, Accra, Ghana
Cancer treatment by linear accelerator is a reality now
Guatemala Times, Guatemala
Cancer treatment by linear accelerator is a reality now
Media for freedom, Nepal
Cancer treatment by linear accelerator is a reality now
Thai Indian News, Bangkok, Thailand
Cancer treatment by linear accelerator is a reality now
Bihar and Jharkhand News Service (BJNS)
Cancer treatment by linear accelerator is a reality now
Bihar Times, Patna, Bihar
Cancer treatment by linear accelerator is a reality now
Assam Times, Guwahati, Assam
Cancer treatment by linear accelerator is a reality now
News Track India, Delhi

5 October 2008
India embraces smoke-free policies
Howrah News Service, West Bengal
Need to refrain from communal politics in India
Asian Tribune, Bangkok, Thailand
India embraces smoke-free policies
Sahil News, Karnataka
Need to refrain from communal politics in India
Ghana News, Accra, Ghana
India embraces smoke-free policies
Banderas News, Mexico
India embraces smoke-free policies
Two Circles
Need to refrain from communal politics in India
Media for freedom, Kathmandu, Nepal
India emraces smoke-free policies on Mahatma Gandhi's birth anniversary
The Seoul Times, Seoul, South Korea
4 October 2008
Bringing diabetes to limelight
The Standard Times, Sierre Leone
3rd Global Tobacco Treaty Action Guide 2008 released
Banderas News, Mexico
India embraces smoke-free policies
News Track India, Delhi
India embraces smoke-free policies
Pakistan Post, Karachi, Pakistan
3 October 2008
India embraces smoke-free policies
American Chronicle, USA
India embraces smoke-free policies
My News, Delhi
India embraces smoke-free policies
Assam Times, Guwahati, Assam
India embraces smoke-free policies
Khabar Express, Bikaner, Rajasthan
India embraces smoke-free policies
The Zimbabwe Guardian, Harare, Zimbabwe
India embraces smoke-free policies
California Chronicle, California, USA
India embraces smoke-free policies
Bihar and Jharkhand News Service (BJNS)
India embraces smoke-free policies
Meri News, Delhi
India embraces smoke-free policies
Pakistan News, Islamabad, Pakistan
India embraces smoke-free policies
Darjeeling Times, Darjeeling, West Bengal
2 October 2008: Gandhi Jayanti
3rd Global Tobacco Treaty Action Guide released
Central Chronicle, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh
India embraces smoke-free policies on Gandhi's birth anniversary
Asian Tribune, Bangkok, Thailand
India embraces smoke-free policies on Gandhi's birth anniversary
Media for freedom, Kathmandu, Nepal
India embraces smoke-free policies on Gandhi's birth anniversary
Ghana News, Accra, Ghana
India embraces smoke-free policies on Gandhi's birth anniversary
The Med Guru
India embraces smoke-free policies on Gandhi's birth anniversary
News Blaze, USA
1 October 2008
3rd Global Tobacco Treaty Action Guide released
The Zimbabwe Guardian, Harare, Zimbabwe
3rd Global Tobacco Treaty Action Guide released
The Guatemala Times, Guatemala
3rd Global Tobacco Treaty Action Guide released
Yahoo! news
30 September 2008
3rd Global Tobacco Treaty Action Guide released
The Seoul Times, Seoul, South Korea
India ban smoking in public places on October 2
Northern News Lines
Diabetes - awareness is the first instrument
Northern News Lines
3rd Global Tobacco Treaty Action Guide released
Bihar and Jharkhand News Service (BJNS)
3rd Global Tobacco Treaty Action Guide released
News Track India, Delhi
3rd Global Tobacco Treaty Action Guide released
The Liberian Journal, Liberia
Global Tobacco Treaty Action Guide 2008 released
Northern News Lines
29 September 2008
3rd Global Tobacco Treaty Action Guide released
Assam Times, Guwahati, Assam, India
Uphold public health over corporate interests
Sindh Today, Sindh, Pakistan
3rd Global Tobacco Treaty Action Guide released
Thai Indian news, Bangkok, Thailand
3rd Global Tobacco Treaty Action Guide released
Ghana News, Accra, Ghana
3rd Global Tobacco Treaty Action Guide released
Media for Freedom, Kathmandu, Nepal
3rd Global Tobacco Treaty Action Guide released
Khabar Express, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India
27 September 2008
Uphold public health over corporate interests
Central Chronicle, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh
Bringing diabetes to light
The Med Guru

Bringing diabetes to light
The Bangladesh Today, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Bringing diabetes to light
Meri News, Delhi
Bringing diabetes to light
News from Bangladesh
Bringing diabetes to light
The New Times, Rwanda
Uphold public health over corporate interests
Scoop Independent News, New Zealand
Uphold public health over corporate interests
News from Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Uphold public health over corporate interests
Media for Freedom, Kathmandu, Nepal
Uphold public health over corporate interests
Bihar and Jharkhand News Service (BJNS)

26 September 2008
India to treat multi-drug resistant TB by 2010
Manipur Comments, Imphal, Manipur
Uphold public health over corporate interests
Asian Tribune, Thailand/ Sri Lanka
Uphold public health over corporate interests
Thai Indian News, Bangkok, Thailand
Uphold public health over corporate interests
Kerala Online news, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
Uphold public health over corporate interests
News Track India, Delhi
Uphold public health over corporate interests
Two Circles
Uphold public health over corporate interests
Assam Times, Guwahati, Assam
Uphold public health over corporate interests
Ghana News, Accra, Ghana
Uphold public health over corporate interests
Guatemala Times, Guatemala
Uphold public health over corporate interests
The Liberian Journal, Liberia
Uphold public health over corporate interests
The Seoul Times, Seoul, South Korea
Uphold public health over corporate interests
Bihar Times, Patna, Bihar
Using awareness to bring diabetes to light
The Liberian Journal, Liberia

Bringing diabetes to light
Bihar and Jharkhand News Service
Bringing diabetes to light
Guatemala Times, Guatemala
Bringing diabetes to light
Banderas News, Mexico
Bringing diabetes to light
California Chronicle, California, USA
Bringing diabetes to light
The Seoul Times, Seoul, South Korea
Bringing diabetes to light
Bihar Times, Patna, Bihar
25 September 2008
India gears up for TB control, Central Chronicle, Madhya Pradesh/Chhattisgarh
Bringing Diabetes to light: Leadership Nigeria, Nigeria
Bringing Diabetes to light: My News, Delhi
Bringing Diabetes to light: Kerala Online News, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
Bringing Diabetes to light: American Chronicle, USA
Bringing Diabetes to light: Mehdirazvi
Bringing Diabetes to light: The Liberian, Liberia
Bringing Diabetes to light: News Track India, Delhi
Bringing Diabetes to light: Assam Times, Guwahati, Assam
Bringing Diabetes to light: News Blaze, USA
Bringing Diabetes to light: Thai Indian News, Bangkok, Thailand
Bringing Diabetes to light: Media for Freedom, Kathmandu, Nepal
Bringing Diabetes to light: Ghana News, Accra, Ghana
Bringing Diabetes to light: The Zimbabwe Guardian, Harare, Zimbabwe
Bringing Diabetes to light: Howrah News Service, Kolkata, West Bengal
23 September 2008
AP should enforce tobacco control policies
Central Chronicle, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh
22 September 2008
India to treat multi-drug resistant tuberculosis nation-wide by 2010
News Track India, Delhi
Andhra Pradesh should gear up to enforce tobacco control policies
The Seoul Times, Seoul, South Korea
India to treat multi-drug resistant tuberculosis nation-wide by 2010
Thai Indian News, Bangkok, Thailand
India to treat multi-drug resistant tuberculosis nation-wide by 2010
Drug Policy Control, Delhi
India to treat multi-drug resistant tuberculosis nation-wide by 2010
Assam Times, Guwahati, Assam
India to treat multi-drug resistant tuberculosis nation-wide by 2010
Bihar and Jharkhand News Service
India to treat multi-drug resistant tuberculosis nation-wide by 2010
The Seoul Times, Seoul, South Korea
21 September 2008
Victim of terrorism - the common man
The Seoul Times, Seoul, South Korea
Andhra Pradesh should gear up to enforce tobacco control policies
News Track India
Andhra Pradesh should gear up to enforce tobacco control policies
Thai Indian News, Bangkok, Thailand
Andhra Pradesh should gear up to enforce tobacco control policies
American Chronicle, USA
20 September 2008
Victim of terrorism - the common man
Central Chronicle, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh
Victim of terrorism - the common man
Asian Tribune, Bangkok, Thailand
19 September 2008
Victim of terrorism - the common man
Indo Asian News Service (IANS)
Victim of terrorism - the common man
The Bangladesh Today, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Victim of terrorism - the common man
Bihar and Jharkhand News Service
18 September 2008
Enforce Public Health policies
Central Chronicle, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh
Victim of Terrorism - the common man
Thai Indian News, Bangkok, Thailand
India must not delay enforcing public health policies
My News, Delhi
Victim of Terrorism - the common man
News Track India, Delhi
Victim of Terrorism - the common man
Scoop Independent News, New Zealand
Victim of Terrorism - the common man
Assam Times, Guwahati, Assam

17 September 2008
World Ozone Day and our commitments
Pakistan Post, Karachi, Pakistan
Our Commitments on Ozone Day
Central Chronicle, Madhya Pradesh/ Chhattisgarh
World Ozone Day and our commitments
My News, Delhi
World Ozone Day and our commitments
Assam Times, Guwahati, Assam
16 September 2008
World Ozone Day and our commitments
Thai Indian, Bangkok, Thailand
World Ozone Day and our commitments
The Seoul Times, Seoul, South Korea
World Ozone Day and our commitments
News Track India, Delhi
World Ozone Day and our commitments
Khabar Express, Bikaner, Rajasthan
World Ozone Day and our commitments
Bihar and Jharkhand News Service

Publications of CNS articles in media globally (Day-wise)

18 October 2008
Not only the rich are at risk of diabetes
The Zimbabwe Guardian, Harare, Zimbabwe
Not only the rich are at risk of diabetes
Asian Tribune, Bangkok, Thailand
Not only the rich are at risk of diabetes
Thai Indian News, Bangkok, Thailand
Not only the rich are at risk of diabetes
Pakistan News, Islamabad, Pakistan
Not only the rich are at risk of diabetes
Guatemala Times, Guatemala
Not only the rich are at risk of diabetes
Ghana News, Accra, Ghana
Not only the rich are at risk of diabetes
Kerala News online, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
Not only the rich are at risk of diabetes
Assam Times, Guwahati, Assam
Not only the rich are at risk of diabetes
Just Samachar
Not only the rich are at risk of diabetes
Not only the rich are at risk of diabetes
Media for Freedom, Kathmandu, Nepal
Not only the rich are at risk of diabetes
Citizen News Service (CNS)
Not only the rich are at risk of diabetes
Bihar Times, Patna, Bihar
17 October 2008
The Wrath of God
Bikaner Express, Bikaner, Rajasthan
India should strengthen PDS to reduce food scarcity
The Seoul Times, Seoul, South Korea
India should strengthen PDS to reduce food scarcity
Bikaner Express, Bikaner, Rajasthan
India should strengthen PDS to reduce food scarcity
Northern News Line, Chandigarh
India should strengthen PDS to reduce food scarcity
News Now, UK
India should strengthen PDS to reduce food scarcity
Op-Ed News, UK
India should strengthen PDS to reduce food scarcity
Howrah News Service, West Bengal
16 October 2008 - World Food day
India needs to revamp public distribution system
News Track India, Delhi
India should strengthen its public distribution system to reduce food scarcity
Mangalorean Times, Mangalore, Karnataka
India should strengthen its public distribution system to reduce food scarcity
Bihar and Jharkhand News Service
India should strengthen its public distribution system to reduce food scarcity
Assam Times, Guwahati, Assam, India
India should strengthen its public distribution system to reduce food scarcity
Media for freedom, Nepal
India should strengthen its public distribution system to reduce food scarcity
Thai Indian News, Bangkok, Thailand
India should strengthen its public distribution system to reduce food scarcity
Two Circles
India should strengthen its public distribution system to reduce food scarcity
Ghana News, Accra, Ghana
India should strengthen its public distribution system to reduce food scarcity
Darjeeling Times, Darjeeling, West Bengal
India should strengthen its public distribution system to reduce food scarcity
My News, Delhi
India should strengthen its public distribution system to reduce food scarcity
News Blaze, USA
India should strengthen its public distribution system to reduce food scarcity
Bangladesh News, Dhaka, Bangladesh
15 October 2008
Grim outlook for World Food
Asia Sentinel
Grim outlook for World Food
Tionghoanet, Indonesia
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
The Zimbabwe Guardian, Harare, Zimbabwe
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
Blog-Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
Boiling Spot, Indonesia
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
The Morung Express, Kohima, Nagaland
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
Northern News Line, Chandigarh, India
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
Standard Times, Sierra Leone
14 October 2008
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
Mangalorean Times, Mangalore, Karnataka
The Wrath of God
Central Chronicle, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh, India
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
Climate Ark
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
News Blaze, USA
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
Two Circles
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
Asian Tribune, Bangkok, Thailand
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
Op-Ed News
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
News from Bangladesh
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
My News, Delhi, India
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
Truth Feeds
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
Bihar and Jharkhand News Service, India
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
Puntland Post, Somalia
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
Amigura, UK
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
Ghana News, Accra, Ghana
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
Climate Change and Global Warming News
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
Guatemala Times, Guatemala
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
Media for freedom, Kathmandu, Nepal

13 October 2008
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
Thai Indian News, Bangkok, Thailand
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
Assam Times, Guwahati, Assam, India
Let us worship peace and shun violence
Chiang Mai Mail, Chiang Mai, Thailand
The Wrath of God
Darjeeling Times, Darjeeling, West Bengal
World food scarcity and the challenges of climate change and bio energy
Bihar Times, Patna, Bihar
12 October 2008
Let us worship peace and shun violence
Chiang Mai Mail, Chiang Mai, Thailand
The Wrath of God
Darjeeling Times, Darjeeling, West Bengal
11 October 2008
People with diabetes lose more than money
The Arusha Times, Tanzania
The Wrath of God
News Track India, Delhi
The Wrath of God
Kerala News, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
The Wrath of God
Khabar Express, Bikaner, Rajasthan
The Wrath of God
Banderas News, Mexico
The Wrath of God
Pakistan Christian Post, Karachi, Pakistan
The Wrath of God
The Bangladesh Today, Dhaka, Bangladesh
10 October 2008
People with diabetes lose more than money
The Seoul Times, Seoul, South Korea
The Wrath of God
News from Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh

People with diabetes lose more than money
Banderas News, Mexico
People with diabetes lose more than money
Standard Times, Sierra Leone
The Wrath of God
Assam Times, Guwahati, Assam, India
The Wrath of God
Ghana News, Accra, Ghana
People with diabetes lose more than money
Meri News, Delhi, India
The Wrath of God
Bihar and Jharkhand News Service (BJNS)
9 October 2008
Need to refrain from communal politics in India
The Kashmir Times, Jammu & Kashmir
People with diabetes lose more than money
Bihar and Jharkhand News Service
People with diabetes lose more than money
People with diabetes lose more than money
The Med Guru
People with diabetes lose more than money
Global Oneness
People with diabetes lose more than money
Health 2.0 News
People with diabetes lose more than money
Howrah News Service, West Bengal
People with diabetes lose more than money
Citizen News Service (CNS)
People with diabetes lose more than money
The Liberian Journal, Liberia
8 October 2008
Need to refrain from communal politics in India
The Seoul Times, Seoul, South Korea
Need to refrain from communal politics in India

American Chronicle, USA
Need to refrain from communal politics in India

California Chronicle, California, USA
People with diabetes lose more than money
Medical News, Australia
People with diabetes lose more than money
Asian Tribune, Bangkok, Thailand
People with diabetes lose more than money
OEN - OpEd News
People with diabetes lose more than money
News Blaze, USA
People with diabetes lose more than money
Thai Indian News, Bangkok, Thailand
People with diabetes lose more than money
News Track India, Delhi
People with diabetes lose more than money
Two Circles
People with diabetes lose more than money
My News, Delhi
People with diabetes lose more than money
Assam Times, Guwahati, Assam
People with diabetes lose more than money
People with diabetes lose more than money
Diabetes Supply
People with diabetes lose more than money
Media for freedom, Kathmandu, Nepal
7 October 2008
Cancer treatment by linear accelerator is a reality now
Mahanagar Times, Jaipur, Rajasthan
Cancer treatment by linear accelerator is a reality now
Mangalorean Times, Mangalore, Karnataka
Need to refrain from communal politics in India
Howrah News Service (HNS), West Bengal
Need to refrain from communal politics in India
The Bangladesh Today, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Need to refrain from communal politics in India
Meri News, Delhi
Need to refrain from communal politics in India
Kerala News, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
Need to refrain from communal politics in India
Two Circles
Need to refrain from communal politics in India
Mahanagar Times, Jaipur, Rajasthan
6 October 2008
India embraces smoke-free policies on Gandhi Jayanti
Mangalorean Times, Mangalore, Karnataka
Need to refrain from communal politics in India
The Seoul Times, Seoul, South Korea
Need to refrain from communal politics in India
News Track India, Delhi
Need to refrain from communal politics in India
News Blaze, USA
Need to refrain from communal politics in India
My News, Delhi

Need to refrain from communal politics in India
Bihar and Jharkhand News Service (BJNS)
Need to refrain from communal politics in India
Assam Times, Guwahati, Assam

Cancer treatment by linear accelerator is a reality now
Medical News
Cancer treatment by linear accelerator is a reality now
Ghana News, Accra, Ghana
Cancer treatment by linear accelerator is a reality now
Guatemala Times, Guatemala
Cancer treatment by linear accelerator is a reality now
Media for freedom, Nepal
Cancer treatment by linear accelerator is a reality now
Thai Indian News, Bangkok, Thailand
Cancer treatment by linear accelerator is a reality now
Bihar and Jharkhand News Service (BJNS)
Cancer treatment by linear accelerator is a reality now
Bihar Times, Patna, Bihar
Cancer treatment by linear accelerator is a reality now
Assam Times, Guwahati, Assam
Cancer treatment by linear accelerator is a reality now
News Track India, Delhi

5 October 2008
India embraces smoke-free policies
Howrah News Service, West Bengal
Need to refrain from communal politics in India
Asian Tribune, Bangkok, Thailand
India embraces smoke-free policies
Sahil News, Karnataka
Need to refrain from communal politics in India
Ghana News, Accra, Ghana
India embraces smoke-free policies
Banderas News, Mexico
India embraces smoke-free policies
Two Circles
Need to refrain from communal politics in India
Media for freedom, Kathmandu, Nepal
India emraces smoke-free policies on Mahatma Gandhi's birth anniversary
The Seoul Times, Seoul, South Korea
4 October 2008
Bringing diabetes to limelight
The Standard Times, Sierre Leone
3rd Global Tobacco Treaty Action Guide 2008 released
Banderas News, Mexico
India embraces smoke-free policies
News Track India, Delhi
India embraces smoke-free policies
Pakistan Post, Karachi, Pakistan
3 October 2008
India embraces smoke-free policies
American Chronicle, USA
India embraces smoke-free policies
My News, Delhi
India embraces smoke-free policies
Assam Times, Guwahati, Assam
India embraces smoke-free policies
Khabar Express, Bikaner, Rajasthan
India embraces smoke-free policies
The Zimbabwe Guardian, Harare, Zimbabwe
India embraces smoke-free policies
California Chronicle, California, USA
India embraces smoke-free policies
Bihar and Jharkhand News Service (BJNS)
India embraces smoke-free policies
Meri News, Delhi
India embraces smoke-free policies
Pakistan News, Islamabad, Pakistan
India embraces smoke-free policies
Darjeeling Times, Darjeeling, West Bengal
2 October 2008: Gandhi Jayanti
3rd Global Tobacco Treaty Action Guide released
Central Chronicle, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh
India embraces smoke-free policies on Gandhi's birth anniversary
Asian Tribune, Bangkok, Thailand
India embraces smoke-free policies on Gandhi's birth anniversary
Media for freedom, Kathmandu, Nepal
India embraces smoke-free policies on Gandhi's birth anniversary
Ghana News, Accra, Ghana
India embraces smoke-free policies on Gandhi's birth anniversary
The Med Guru
India embraces smoke-free policies on Gandhi's birth anniversary
News Blaze, USA
1 October 2008
3rd Global Tobacco Treaty Action Guide released
The Zimbabwe Guardian, Harare, Zimbabwe
3rd Global Tobacco Treaty Action Guide released
The Guatemala Times, Guatemala
3rd Global Tobacco Treaty Action Guide released
Yahoo! news
30 September 2008
3rd Global Tobacco Treaty Action Guide released
The Seoul Times, Seoul, South Korea
India ban smoking in public places on October 2
Northern News Lines
Diabetes - awareness is the first instrument
Northern News Lines
3rd Global Tobacco Treaty Action Guide released
Bihar and Jharkhand News Service (BJNS)
3rd Global Tobacco Treaty Action Guide released
News Track India, Delhi
3rd Global Tobacco Treaty Action Guide released
The Liberian Journal, Liberia
Global Tobacco Treaty Action Guide 2008 released
Northern News Lines
29 September 2008
3rd Global Tobacco Treaty Action Guide released
Assam Times, Guwahati, Assam, India
Uphold public health over corporate interests
Sindh Today, Sindh, Pakistan
3rd Global Tobacco Treaty Action Guide released
Thai Indian news, Bangkok, Thailand
3rd Global Tobacco Treaty Action Guide released
Ghana News, Accra, Ghana
3rd Global Tobacco Treaty Action Guide released
Media for Freedom, Kathmandu, Nepal
3rd Global Tobacco Treaty Action Guide released
Khabar Express, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India
27 September 2008
Uphold public health over corporate interests
Central Chronicle, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh
Bringing diabetes to light
The Med Guru

Bringing diabetes to light
The Bangladesh Today, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Bringing diabetes to light
Meri News, Delhi
Bringing diabetes to light
News from Bangladesh
Bringing diabetes to light
The New Times, Rwanda
Uphold public health over corporate interests
Scoop Independent News, New Zealand
Uphold public health over corporate interests
News from Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Uphold public health over corporate interests
Media for Freedom, Kathmandu, Nepal
Uphold public health over corporate interests
Bihar and Jharkhand News Service (BJNS)

26 September 2008
India to treat multi-drug resistant TB by 2010
Manipur Comments, Imphal, Manipur
Uphold public health over corporate interests
Asian Tribune, Thailand/ Sri Lanka
Uphold public health over corporate interests
Thai Indian News, Bangkok, Thailand
Uphold public health over corporate interests
Kerala Online news, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
Uphold public health over corporate interests
News Track India, Delhi
Uphold public health over corporate interests
Two Circles
Uphold public health over corporate interests
Assam Times, Guwahati, Assam
Uphold public health over corporate interests
Ghana News, Accra, Ghana
Uphold public health over corporate interests
Guatemala Times, Guatemala
Uphold public health over corporate interests
The Liberian Journal, Liberia
Uphold public health over corporate interests
The Seoul Times, Seoul, South Korea
Uphold public health over corporate interests
Bihar Times, Patna, Bihar
Using awareness to bring diabetes to light
The Liberian Journal, Liberia

Bringing diabetes to light
Bihar and Jharkhand News Service
Bringing diabetes to light
Guatemala Times, Guatemala
Bringing diabetes to light
Banderas News, Mexico
Bringing diabetes to light
California Chronicle, California, USA
Bringing diabetes to light
The Seoul Times, Seoul, South Korea
Bringing diabetes to light
Bihar Times, Patna, Bihar
25 September 2008
India gears up for TB control, Central Chronicle, Madhya Pradesh/Chhattisgarh
Bringing Diabetes to light: Leadership Nigeria, Nigeria
Bringing Diabetes to light: My News, Delhi
Bringing Diabetes to light: Kerala Online News, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
Bringing Diabetes to light: American Chronicle, USA
Bringing Diabetes to light: Mehdirazvi
Bringing Diabetes to light: The Liberian, Liberia
Bringing Diabetes to light: News Track India, Delhi
Bringing Diabetes to light: Assam Times, Guwahati, Assam
Bringing Diabetes to light: News Blaze, USA
Bringing Diabetes to light: Thai Indian News, Bangkok, Thailand
Bringing Diabetes to light: Media for Freedom, Kathmandu, Nepal
Bringing Diabetes to light: Ghana News, Accra, Ghana
Bringing Diabetes to light: The Zimbabwe Guardian, Harare, Zimbabwe
Bringing Diabetes to light: Howrah News Service, Kolkata, West Bengal
23 September 2008
AP should enforce tobacco control policies
Central Chronicle, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh
22 September 2008
India to treat multi-drug resistant tuberculosis nation-wide by 2010
News Track India, Delhi
Andhra Pradesh should gear up to enforce tobacco control policies
The Seoul Times, Seoul, South Korea
India to treat multi-drug resistant tuberculosis nation-wide by 2010
Thai Indian News, Bangkok, Thailand
India to treat multi-drug resistant tuberculosis nation-wide by 2010
Drug Policy Control, Delhi
India to treat multi-drug resistant tuberculosis nation-wide by 2010
Assam Times, Guwahati, Assam
India to treat multi-drug resistant tuberculosis nation-wide by 2010
Bihar and Jharkhand News Service
India to treat multi-drug resistant tuberculosis nation-wide by 2010
The Seoul Times, Seoul, South Korea
21 September 2008
Victim of terrorism - the common man
The Seoul Times, Seoul, South Korea
Andhra Pradesh should gear up to enforce tobacco control policies
News Track India
Andhra Pradesh should gear up to enforce tobacco control policies
Thai Indian News, Bangkok, Thailand
Andhra Pradesh should gear up to enforce tobacco control policies
American Chronicle, USA
20 September 2008
Victim of terrorism - the common man
Central Chronicle, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh
Victim of terrorism - the common man
Asian Tribune, Bangkok, Thailand
19 September 2008
Victim of terrorism - the common man
Indo Asian News Service (IANS)
Victim of terrorism - the common man
The Bangladesh Today, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Victim of terrorism - the common man
Bihar and Jharkhand News Service
18 September 2008
Enforce Public Health policies
Central Chronicle, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh
Victim of Terrorism - the common man
Thai Indian News, Bangkok, Thailand
India must not delay enforcing public health policies
My News, Delhi
Victim of Terrorism - the common man
News Track India, Delhi
Victim of Terrorism - the common man
Scoop Independent News, New Zealand
Victim of Terrorism - the common man
Assam Times, Guwahati, Assam

17 September 2008
World Ozone Day and our commitments
Pakistan Post, Karachi, Pakistan
Our Commitments on Ozone Day
Central Chronicle, Madhya Pradesh/ Chhattisgarh
World Ozone Day and our commitments
My News, Delhi
World Ozone Day and our commitments
Assam Times, Guwahati, Assam
16 September 2008
World Ozone Day and our commitments
Thai Indian, Bangkok, Thailand
World Ozone Day and our commitments
The Seoul Times, Seoul, South Korea
World Ozone Day and our commitments
News Track India, Delhi
World Ozone Day and our commitments
Khabar Express, Bikaner, Rajasthan
World Ozone Day and our commitments
Bihar and Jharkhand News Service