Coca Cola
bottling plant in Ballia, Uttar Pradesh, India
.Coca Cola Bhagao Krishi Bachao Jan Sangharsh Samiti (‘Remove Coca Cola, Save Agriculture People’s Struggle Committee’), Sinhachawar, Ballia is organizing a march from Ballia district headquarters on 23rd October, 2007, after a public meeting there at 11 am, to the bottling plant located in Sinhachawar village, 15 kms outside.

(1) Cancel the license of Vrindavan Coca Cola bottlers plant, Sinhachawar. (This plant run on a franchise basis till now is in the process of being bought over by Coca Cola company).
(1) Cancel the license of Vrindavan Coca Cola bottlers plant, Sinhachawar. (This plant run on a franchise basis till now is in the process of being bought over by Coca Cola company).
(2) Stop ground water exploitation and pollution of land and water.
(3) Stop privatization of water.
(4) Remove encroachment of Coca Cola plant from public land and road belonging to Gram Sabha.
(5) Ban production and sale of Coca Cola and Pepsi containing things harmful to human health.
.Main speakers at the two events include the local MLA, Ambika Chaudhary, aspirant to Ballia Lok Sabha seat, Neeraj Shekhar, son of former Prime Minister Chandra Shekhar and Baba Hardeo Singh, President of PCS Officers’ Association. The association of Gram Pradhans has decided to support this movement.
For more information contact:
Baliram, 9450779325,
Vijay Bhai, 9335341150,
Nandlal, 9415300520, and
Dr Sandeep Pandey, 0522 2347365, 9415022772,
(Photo credit: Jessica Kakoby)
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