Tobacco Control policies in prisons
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जेल में तम्बाकू नियंत्रण है एक गंभीर चुनौती: IG prisons
Banning tobacco in prisons is one of the biggest deal
नागपुर सेन्ट्रल जेल अब तम्बाकू-रहित बनेगा
Nagpur Central Jail to become tobacco-free
On 11 February 2008 I c
ompleted presenting 63 nicotine dependency recovery programs in 28 state prisons here in South Carolina, USA, prisons that by January 1 had all become 100% tobacco-free. In response to the below article about India considering tobacco-free prisons I write to share a few points that I hope might be considered:
* Key to inmate and staff acceptance, with minimum friction and anxiety, is plenty of notice of the pending tobacco policy change, and advance copies of quality quitting guides and books.
* Quitting for yourself and being forced to stop using tobacco are two different things. One study found that 97% of inmates released from jails that forced them to quit had relapsed to smoking within 6 months. Quality policy change programs should be designed to foster strong internal desire in both inmates and staff to want to become and stay 100% nicotine-free, and in teaching how to minimize nicotine dependency recovery symptoms. Explore for ideas on both. Jail health policymakers are free to use any or all of our materials.
* Prison tobacco-free policy changes are golden opportunities to take the most compulsive segment of society and teach them how nicotine damages normal development of serotonin pathways and normal impulse control, resulting in behavioral problems. It's a chance to teach those most affected by tobacco use image marketing the full price of buying into the lies, to have them someday re-enter society teaching youth the truth about why smokers smoke, that it has nothing to do with pleasure or flavor, and everything to do with the rising tide of anxieties that begin arriving if they don't.
* If India's jail/prison nicotine dependency recovery program cannot, within 2 hours, transition inmates from anger/hostility to open applause, it has probably failed to shift forced cessation into a desire to quit.
* Once India creates a high quality transition program, attendance by all inmates with a recent tobacco use history (use canteen tobacco purchase records) and 100% of staff should be made mandatory. Please recognize that many upper level jail administrators will themselves be chemically dependent upon tobacco and extremely reluctant to share any program painting them as a true drug addict. It will take strong central control to minimize policy change friction risks and reduce demand for contraband tobacco.
* Having all staff members attend recovery programs tailored for them allows understanding of the gravity of tobacco contraband getting inside, teaches how nicotine is on a par with hard drugs like heroin and methamphetamine, teaches the importance of serving as a support system for officers and staff attempting to arrest their own dependency, and may prevent staff from risking job loss or punishment trying to profit from contraband tobacco.
Jail/prison tobacco use policy change can be a win win situation for all, except those who would profit by keeping inmates and staff nicotine's slave. To think that an inmate who cannot read or write lacks the ability to understand the purpose and function of brain dopamine pathways or how external chemicals can take the mind's priorities teacher hostage is silly. They want to know how the brain's "aaah" dopamine sensations and insula driven anxieties control motivations, and how serotonin impacts decision making. They want and have a right to know the factors that likely contributed to landing them behind bars.
John R. Polito
Nicotine Cessation Educator
To read this in Hindi language please click here
To read earlier postings in Hindi/ English languages on this issue, click on the below-given links:
जेल में तम्बाकू नियंत्रण है एक गंभीर चुनौती: IG prisons
Banning tobacco in prisons is one of the biggest deal
नागपुर सेन्ट्रल जेल अब तम्बाकू-रहित बनेगा
Nagpur Central Jail to become tobacco-free
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